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Advantages to Using Video Production for Your Dallas Business

Marketing your business is multifaceted. Part of the role your advertising team has involves targeting as many potential clients as possible. Pictures and words only go so far. In a short video, you reach viewers by telling stories and invoking emotions.


Three Advantages to Company Video Marketing

Make Marketing Fun

Only a select few enjoy the marketing demands of a business. You must stay up on the trends and work within a budget. However, you often run into results that are either too salesy or boring. Videos bring fun back into the picture. They are focused on how to use the product/service and reach people on a personal level. Finally, everyone loves to express their creative side. Making videos boost the morale of employees, and you remain in your customer’s memory longer. There are subtle differences in how they are made, and  Richie Media Videography Services is an expert on knowing what is needed.



Many people enjoy a movie over reading a book. The same is true with video production in the business world. There are two options for audiovisual placements. You can keep it less than a minute long and target television or social media advertisement slots. However, more advantages come from three-minute videos placed on websites or YouTube. Either option has its place in marketing, but longer videos give you the ability to explain how to use your service.


Search Engines Love Videos

If for no other reason, search engines favor webpages that provide audiovisuals. Page ranking is how people find your site when searching for answers. After your clip has been produced, marketing teams create a description and tags that are optimized for Google. Spiders (bots running Google’s algorithm) look for websites and companies that display expertise and trustworthy content. When you become an expert in your industry, you will automatically rank higher.


Types of Videos

Advertisement Slots

Videos allow you to use tone and music to convey a message that your potential clients remember. Whether it is promoting a new product or a sale currently going on, emotion carries stronger in voice than text. Studies show that people prefer audiovisual ads because they require less thinking. Moreover, it is important to set the right mood from the very beginning. Film Impact Premiere Pro video transitions are a great way to help you with this. You can share these videos easily on social media sites or pay for television time slots.


Customer Testimonials

People love to hear how others think about products or services. In fact, it plays a large factor in whether they invest their money. Testimonial videos are preferred over text because anyone can write an opinion. However, when you watch a person talk about a product you can read a person’s body language. Make sure when creating this style of audiovisual you use people who are honest and articulate. They are representing your business.


Training Videos

Finally, businesses use videos for training purposes. While these tutorials are ideal for new employees to learn about your company, they also benefit your potential clients. Audiovisuals that contain proprietary information should never leave your office setting. However, clips made to demonstrate how to use a product can answer any questions your customers have. 

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