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Increasing Brand Recognition Through Social Media: 7 Highly Effective Ways

Reaching your target audience is one of the most important things when it comes to growing a successful business. Social media is easily accessible and allows you to connect with your potential customers. This article will show you 4 ways that social media can help increase brand recognition for your company so that more people see who you are and what you offer!


Create Content That Fits Your Audience

Creating content that suits your audience is important for increasing brand awareness via social media. Take a look at the different types of people who follow you and what they like to see from your company (or if they don’t yet, ask them). If someone has been following along with posts on Facebook or Instagram but hasn’t taken any action such as liking something or clicking through to another link, find out why by asking questions in person or online, so you can better tailor future updates towards those individuals. This increases recognition of a business through social channels because now these followers feel heard and appreciated rather than just being seen as numbers, which leads to increased brand loyalty overall.

If there are certain giveaways that you’re known to run, make these available on your social media channels. For instance, if you often have contests or giveaways for new followers who like something within the company page, do this each time someone follows along, so they know that there are things exclusive just to them which increases brand awareness through social media as those customers feel special and more involved with what is going on overall.

Be Consistent

This may sound like something your mother used to say when you were growing up, but it’s true. Be consistent with what you post and who you are posting for. People will come back if they know what to expect from the posts that show up in their feed or on their timeline. You don’t want people thinking one thing about your brand during the week, only to find out at the weekend that someone else is running things now. Pick a style of content (humor, informative) and stick with it.

If you change the content style of your posts, people will get confused and may even leave. If you post more frequently during one period than another or if you only post certain types of content at specific times (holidays, for example), let people know ahead of time, so they don’t feel like they missed out on something important to them. Being consistent in how often things are shared as well as regularity helps build trust between a brand and its audience. This increases brand recognition through social media by allowing followers to anticipate future updates from the business while building loyalty around what is already being shared.

Be Transparent

Transparency is important for building trust with your audience. People want to know that they can trust the brand because this leads them to believe what a business puts out there will be authentic, which in turn increases brand awareness through social media. When you are transparent about who you are as a company or individual, your followers can put their faith behind whatever it is you’re sharing online. Being honest goes a long way towards increasing recognition of your brand via social media channels, so try being transparent by letting people see different aspects of how things work on an internal level at the organization. This might include photos from staff meetings, explanations of goals and strategies within certain departments, or even interviews with employees outside of management positions talking about why they stick around. Be upfront about the good, bad and ugly because this builds trust through transparency, which in turn increases brand recognition through social media channels.

Monitor & Engage

When you’re out there sharing through social media channels, remember to not only share content but also be on the lookout for what other people are saying about your brand. If someone is complimenting you or talking positively about something that has happened within the company, don’t just sit back and let it go by unnoticed – say thank you! This leads to increased recognition of a business via social media because customers will know that they matter enough for their feedback to be acknowledged, which makes them feel valued as an audience member. Criticism should never be ignored either, so if someone posts a negative comment, apologize and take steps towards fixing whatever caused this reaction from another individual. Taking action when needed shows that you care about your customers, and that is what increases brand recognition through social media.


People love to share useful information. When you offer valuable resources regularly (like an e-newsletter or blog), people will begin to think of your brand as one that is helpful which in turn increases recognition through social media channels. This can be done by offering advice and sharing content about topics related to the industry you’re operating within but also branching out into other areas based on customer feedback so there isn’t too much overlap with competitors or potential clients who might not need what your company offers at any given time.

Being viewed as a resource means customers know they can come back for more insight when needed because it has been provided before, increasing brand recognition through social media channels via interaction engagement with followers while providing helpful information.

Be Yourself

Don’t try to force a certain image on social media channels because it isn’t genuine. There is no “right way” or specific formula for increasing recognition of your brand through social media – just be yourself! It might take time to get the hang of but once you develop this sense, followers will know that what they see online from your business is accurate and can begin building trust around who you are as an organization. This increases recognition of a brand via social media by making sure there aren’t any problems with authenticity throughout posts which in turn makes connections more real while helping customers feel like they matter enough to receive regular updates about events going on within a company.


The final way to increase brand recognition through social media is by being visual. Pictures and videos are a great way to not only engage with an audience but also capture their attention for extended periods because they will want to keep scrolling or clicking to see what happens next. This increases recognition of your business via social media channels by helping customers feel like there is always something new worth checking out which makes them more likely to come back regularly due to increased interest in the content you’re putting out regularly. Make sure it comes across as authentic though so people know this isn’t just another marketing strategy that won’t lead anywhere!

As you can see, increasing brand recognition through social media is a fairly easy and quick process. The content you create doesn’t need to be the best in the world: it just needs to be engaging enough for people to want to read more of your posts or check out your website. That’s an opportunity that only comes around every once in a while when someone wants to add something new on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, etc., so take advantage of it while you can!

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