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Technology Tips: How To Properly Deal With Mobile Issues

If you own a business, chances are that your customers and employees will be accessing the internet on their phones and tablets. If this is the case, it’s important to make sure they can access all of the information they need as easily as possible. It’s not enough to just have a website with mobile-friendly features; you also need to know how to deal with any issues that arise as more people start using these devices. In this article, we’ll discuss some ways technology can help your business succeed in today’s digital age!


Cell phone battery dying too quickly

In order to determine the best way to deal with a mobile issue, it’s important that you identify what kind of problem is occurring. This expert advice from Kevin Wood could save your battery: “If your cell phone battery seems to be dying too quickly when using certain apps or functions on your device, then there could be an app draining power unnecessarily in the background. 

By shutting down these unnecessary processes and limiting how often they run automatically throughout the day (e.g., syncing data every hour instead of immediately after receiving new information), you can solve this particular mobile-related issue pretty easily.”

Another common problem is when your phone or tablet gets very hot for no apparent reason. This could mean the device isn’t properly ventilated, which can cause it to overheat and drain power faster than necessary. If you see this happening, try using a case that has openings at the top of the backside, so heat can escape more easily while charging (e.g., through a USB port). 

You should also make sure apps aren’t running in the background without any good reason, these programs will use up mobile data and processing power even if you’re not actively using them, which means they’ll wear down your battery life much quicker. In short, don’t let apps run on their own unless it’s absolutely necessary!


Using an app to find your lost phone

Another problem that many people have is when they can’t find their phone. For example, maybe it fell under the couch cushion, or you set it down somewhere in a public area and didn’t realize anyone else could pick up your device (e.g., while shopping at the mall). Whatever the case may be, there are several apps available for both Android and iOS devices that make finding lost phones much easier.

Some of these programs use GPS to instantly locate where exactly your mobile device is. Once you know this information, it’s easy to go retrieve what was stolen or see if someone left one behind by accident. Other tracking software works via Wi-Fi instead, so you can pick up your phone’s signal anywhere there is a nearby hotspot. This way, it doesn’t matter if the thief has turned off Bluetooth or cut their internet connection. As long as they are using Wi-Fi, then these apps will still be able to track them down, which should hopefully result in getting all of your information back!


How to get a charger cord when you lose it

If you don’t have a spare cord lying around at home or in your car, then it can be pretty difficult to get online if you need to make an emergency call (e.g., for work). Fortunately, most phone chargers are standardized, so they will fit into outlets and power adapters no matter what device is being charged. 

This means that instead of having one specific cable for each individual mobile device, all you really need is one micro USB cord that should easily connect with any other item on this list. While it might take up more space than before, hopefully, this strategy will help eliminate frustrations related to everyone losing their charging cables!


Wiping your cell phone after using public restrooms or other dirty areas

When you’re using a public restroom or somewhere else that’s not very clean, it’s always a good idea to avoid touching your phone with your bare hands. Doing so could result in transferring germs and other bacteria onto the screen of your device, where they can spread through touch commands (e.g., swiping) without anyone realizing what happened until it’s too late! 

In order to prevent this from happening, simply use something like an antibacterial wipe before handling your cell phone again after leaving these types of places. The same rule applies if someone sitting next to you at work sneezes while using their own mobile device; hand sanitizer works well for situations like this as well.


Phone screen freezing and not responding 

One of the worst things that can happen on a mobile device is when it freezes and stops responding to touch commands, especially if you have an important phone call or text message you need to answer. In order to fix this problem as quickly as possible, simply press down anywhere on the screen until all of your programs reopen at once (e.g., apps start reopening one after another). 

This usually happens because there’s too much data being processed by the software running in the background, so restarting everything should prevent any further issues from arising! If problems persist then consider backing up your files onto Google Drive since doing so will allow you to access them again even if something goes wrong with your tablet or smartphone later on.


Fixing a cracked screen on iPhone 6s Plus without replacing the entire device

If you’re someone who drops their phone a lot, then it’s not surprising if your screen ends up cracking at some point. Unfortunately, the glass that surrounds touch screens on these devices is pretty fragile in general, so even a small drop could lead to damage over time. However, there are special kits available online which can repair cracks and other imperfections without requiring too much work from owners of iPhones. 

In addition to saving money by avoiding costly replacements for cracked screens, this method will also prevent further problems from occurring with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) or organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), especially since most modern phones have both types of technologies built into them.


Technology is an important part of our daily lives, but it doesn’t always work the way we want. If you’re experiencing any of these problems with your phone, don’t worry! Try some of these tips to fix the issue.

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