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Tips for Students on how to Properly Care for their Laptops

We live in the 21st century, and most technological devices are accessible and affordable to most people. For instance, most people, particularly students, can hardly do their day-to-day activities without a smartphone, laptop, and smartwatches, among other devices. Although all these devices play a significant role, in most cases, students often forget to clean them, more so during times like this where almost every aspect of a student’s life revolves around using a laptop. Apparently, if you are a college student, the chances are high that you probably own a smartphone, a PC, or a laptop. If you do not have one, the probability is that you might be planning to purchase one in the future. When studying, completing your assignments, or saving your lecture notes, a laptop will come in handy since it will assist you in completing various academic tasks.

Initially, students would take too much time completing their assignments and writing excellent thesis statements. That time could have been used to perform other essential tasks, such as performing in-depth research, gathering all the relevant information, and organizing all the findings reasonably. Students can use a thesis statement generator to create quality thesis statements for their academic papers, thanks to technological advancement. On the same note, a laptop will aid you in accomplishing various academic responsibilities. When students purchase laptops, they have a primary objective of using them for longer. Unlike phones, a laptop will need to be upgraded a couple of times a year. This article will discuss tips for students on caring for their laptops properly.

Keep your laptop away from foods and drinks

One of the golden rules that you will constantly be reminded of whenever you purchase a laptop is to keep the device away from drinks and food. On the same note, upon entering most computer labs, you will not fail to see one or two printed warnings that food and beverages are not allowed. When you see such notice, you ought not to feel bad or discouraged since one of the common things that damage such devices are drinks spilling and food crumbs. Regrettably, damage from crumbs and drink spills is not something that a couple of clicks on the mouse could resolve. Therefore, if you wish your laptop to last long, you might consider keeping it away from foods and drinks.

Install an anti-virus

Technology evolution has led to the creation of various forms of challenges. Currently, there is a significant rise in hacking incidents and malware attacks. If an individual is not cautious, they might realize that their laptop is infected with a virus when it is too late. Although sometimes, an individual might know what they are downloading, their laptop might still get infected in the process. Therefore, people need to be extra careful and install anti-virus in their devices. In essence, if you wish to care for your laptop, you might consider installing an anti-virus.

Avoiding turning on your laptop after being outside in the cold

Various parts of the world experience different levels of temperatures. Apparently, in some countries, winter is fast approaching, and hence, the chances are high that the laptops in such regions will be highly vulnerable to significant temperature change. It would be best if the residents in those nations tried as much as possible and avoided temperature change which might ruin the laptop when it is opened immediately a person was out in the cold. An individual should first try and warm the room before switching on the laptop to avoid damaging the laptop’s disk drive, which might occur due to sudden condensation. On a similar note, it would be best if individuals avoided exposing their laptops to direct sunlight during summer since it could make them overheat.

Always put your laptops in a safe place

It is essential to note that as much as laptops are affordable and accessible to almost every student, not everyone can afford them. Therefore, people must be careful with where they leave their devices. According to research done on colleges, universities, and other high learning institutions, it was found that laptops were one of the most commonly stolen items. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your laptop, you should never leave it unattended inside your car or at the library. Fundamentally, since anyone’s laptop can be stolen, you should not let yours be one of them.

Delete the files you do not use from your drive

Regardless of whether you use your laptop for leisure, studies, or work, you should develop the habit of deleting the files you do not need from your drive. Apparently, this might include videos, old lecture notes, photos that you have already uploaded on social media posts. On the same note, you could also delete the music tracks that you no longer listen. Although most individuals do not know this, the truth is that when your disk drive is full, it might negatively impact the performance of your laptop since the processor will be slow.

Clear your browser’s cache and cookies

Clearing your browser’s cookies and cache plays an essential role, particularly when it comes to ensuring that your computer is safe and speedy. Most people do not know this, but when you browse the internet, your laptop will create many cookies that will occupy the files of your browser. Therefore, an individual should develop the habit of sparing sufficient time to clear cookies and cache from their browser. There are varying ways to clean temporary cookies and files from different browsers. The good thing is that with the advancement in technology, students can access information on anything from various parts of the world.

In conclusion, there are significant ways of caring for your laptop, whether you are a student or working. Some of the effective ways discussed in the article students can use to care for their laptop include: keeping your laptop away from foods and drinks, installing an anti-virus, putting your laptops in a safe place, deleting the files you do not use from your drive, and clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

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