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Why We Should Use Emoji in Our Blog Posts

Did you know that emojis are not simply for instant messaging and social chats? Brands today are also beginning to integrate an emoji strategy on their blogs to better market their businesses. You may have seen a massive increase in emoji taking over search results, helping brands boost their website traffic.

Hence, are you one of those folks who like to get a head start on a growing SEO trend? Then you may like to know the practical reasons why you should use one in your blog posts.

The Reason Emojis are Excellent for Your Blog Marketing Messages

It makes sense for bloggers to speak the same language as their audience, especially with its increasing popularity and use. However, let’s dig deeper to clarify why their use is increasing so massively.

You see, humans are considered visual creatures. The brain easily comprehends pictures. Studies recommend that people recall ten percent of what they hear, twenty percent of what they read, but eighty percent of what they see.

Therefore, the more likely your blog has a lasting effect, the more visual your content message can be. That could benefit your brand. In short, emojis are a simple non-verbal cue to add to your messaging.

Moreover, communication must be basic and simple. The simpler your blogs are to understand; the more people will listen to them. Cognitive fluency is the key to engaging blog posts. That’s about how individuals want things that are simple to understand while preventing information, which is hard to digest.

That goes well beyond blogs. The same is real for every communication. It impacts everything you do. That is why messages written in a standard font gets more engagement.

Most of that connects to humans’ limited attention span, which appears to get shorter with every newly released study. The answer to marketing in this extremely modern era is to communicate your message in a simple to understand and straightforward way.

You see, emoji marketing is perfect for that. They can cut past human’s finite focus as they can often be utilized entertainingly.

What’s more, emojis are considered attention-grabbing. They communicate a wide array of emotions and meaning with just one symbol, which could be comprehended in a fraction of the time it would take to read a paragraph or sentence.

Practical Ways to Add Emoji to Your Content Strategy

Apart from your blog posts, you can explore different marketing tips, which will help you boost your online marketing strategy and increase your conversion rates at the same time.

  • Determine what every emoji means

Did you know that messenger accounts for at least five billion emojis sent regularly? Meanwhile, Facebook accounts for an average of sixty billion emojis every day. The figures only suggest the power of these tiny icons.

Nonetheless, you need to realize what every emoji means so you can maximize your marketing strategy. Knowing what these icons stand for has never been more critical. That process involves learning what emojis connect well along with your audience. You can use an emoji picker in this.

  • Add relevant emoticons and emojis in social media posts

From Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram to Facebook, emojis rules on such platforms. Adding them to your social media posts will connect better to your desired target audience. Emoticons and emojis provide you terrific opportunities to enhance your overall content strategy by utilizing such small icons.

  • Don’t over-use them

Professionals recommend utilizing these emojis carefully, even though they can boost your conversions. Be cautious about how you use them to make a negative impression or communicate the wrong message.

There you have it! It’s time you use emojis to your blog posts today! Add these emojis to your WYSIWYG HTML editor – TinyMCE!

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